Bishop’s Frome Parish Council

Your Parish council = The closest tier of government to you. The voice of local people.

Councillors are summoned to the attend a Parish Council Meeting to be held at 7.30pm on

Tuesday 9 July  in Bishops Fromes Village Centre, Bishops Frome

Agendas will be posted on notice boards and this website,

Minutes will be posted within one month of the previous meeting.

Residents are welcome to examine the Account for 2023 to 2024 between the dates of 3 June to 12 July. Contact the clerk using the contact form 



Why was it done for Bishops Frome and Fromes Hill?

  • The Localism Act of 2011 introduced Neighbourhood Plans to give local communities the opportunity to decide the future of the local area where they live and work.
  • It allows the community to say what they think makes their area special and to set out a vision of how the Plan can influence the development of land for houses, employment, leisure and community activities and what new development should look like.
  • It brings together residents, businesses, local groups and landowners to create a shared vision that comes from the whole community rather than being imposed by an outside body that cannot match the local knowledge available.
  • The Neighbourhood Plan has to be prepared by the Parish Council but will only be accepted if it can demonstrate the involvement of the local community throughout the preparation and decision making process.
  • The Neighbourhood Plan must accept the minimum amount of new homes allocated for the parish in the County Core Strategy, which for the period 2011-2031 is 34 homes. But it can decide the best place for new development to go and its appearance.
  • The Plan cannot conflict with National Planning Policy or the policies in the newly adopted Core Strategy for Herefordshire or be used to prevent development.
  • The parish does not have to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. However if nothing is done the County will prepare a Development Plan for those areas of the County without their own Neighbourhood Plan which will impose settlement boundaries and housing sites over which the community would have much less influence.